Eurochocolate 2012
To 28/10/2012
Perugia (PG) -
This year's edition of the popular Eurochocolate event will run in
Perugia from October 19th to 28th, with an innovative thematic take on
the established programme that will concentrate on social networking
and smartphone app technology.Read more
Sentieri d'Autunno Autumn Walks
To 28/10/2012
Torgiano (PG) -
The Sentieri d'Autunno series of walks through the dazzing autumn
colours of Umbria's vineyards and woods continues on October 28th with
the stretch of countryside that runs between Torgiano and Perugia. Meet
at 8.45am at Collestrada borgo.Read more
Tipico Italiano in Foligno
To 28/10/2012
Foligno (PG) -
Scheduled to run from October 26th to 28th in Piazza della
Repubblica, the "Tipico italiano" wine and food event will be entirely
devoted to showcasing Italy's rich variety of quality local food produce
and crafts.Read more
Titanic il Musical in Santa Maria degli Angeli
To 31/10/2012
Assisi (PG) -
On October 30th and 31st the Teatro Lyrick of Santa Maria degli
Angeli will be running Titanic il musical, a musical adaptation of the
great shipping catastrophe that continues to fascinate across the globe
over a century after the tragic events took place.Read more
Spazio Donna Facility for Immigrant Women Opens in Umbertide
To 31/10/2012
Umbertide (PG) -
As from October the Spazio Donna facility offered by Caritas
Diocesana, and made possible thanks to the contribution of the Comune di
Umbertide, will be offering immigrant women a space in which to make
new friends, carry out various activities and take part in workshops and
formative meetings.Read more
Grand Tour Travellers on Luca Signorelli
To 31/10/2012
Perugia (PG) -
Until October 31st Palazzo Sorbello will be running the exhibition
entitled "Sguardi su Luca Signorelli", which focusses on the reactions
and impressions of Grand Tour travellers to Italy on admiring the works
of Luca Signorelli.Read more
Cesare Cremonini Live in Perugia
To 3/11/2012
Perugia (PG) -
On November 3rd the immensely popular Italian singer and songwriter
Cesare Cremonini will be performing live at the PalaEvangelisti. The
concert will start at 9pm.Read more
Bianco Rosso & Blues
To 3/11/2012
Castiglione del Lago (PG) -
Every Saturday evening from September 8th to November 3rd various
towns around Lake Trasimene will be the venues for the Bianco, Rosso e
Blues evenings combining quality wines from the Colli del Trasimeno wine
trail with jazz, soul, blues concerts.Read more
Truffle and Woodland Produce Market in Città di Castello
To 4/11/2012
Città di Castello (PG) -
The prestigious annual market of truffles and all kinds of produce
gathered from the local woods will run in Città di Castello from
November 2nd to 4th. As well as the more common black truffles, this
market is also known for its prized local white truffles.Read more
Festivol in Trevi
To 4/11/2012
Trevi (PG) -
On November 3rd and 4th Trevi will be holding its annual FestivOl
fair devoted to its much prized local olive oil, organised in
collaboration with the DOP quality denomination Strada dell'olio olive
oil trail.Read more
Fiera dei Morti 2012
To 5/11/2012
Perugia (PG) -
The annual Fiera dei Morti, traditionally held over the Feast of the
All Souls since 1260, will once more run in Perugia from November 1st
to 5th, with over 500 stands selling all kinds of wares that rank it as
one of the largest of its kind in Italy.Read more
National Truffle Market Fair in Fabro
To 11/11/2012
Fabro (TR) -
The prestigious truffle fair of Fabro will run this year from
November 9th to 11th, featuring also all kinds of other quality produce
from the Orvieto area.Read more
UmbriaLibri 2012
To 18/11/2012
Perugia (PG) -
From November 14th to 18th the Rocca Paolina will be hosting this
year's edition of the Umbria Libri market fair showcasing the thriving
Umbrian publishing business.Read more
Immaginario 3.0
To 18/11/2012
Perugia (PG) -
Now in its third edition, the Immaginario festival devoted to all
kinds of new means of communication in film, television and new media
will run at the Rocca Paolina, the Teatro Morlacchi, the Teatro Pavone,
the Cinema Zenith and the Centro Camerale Alessi from November 12th to
18th.Read more
Birra Show at Umbriafiere
To 18/11/2012
Bastia Umbra (PG) -
On November 17th and 18th the Umbriafiere events centre of Bastia
Umbra will be hosting Birra Show, devoted to Italy's burgeoning numbers
of quality home breweries.Read more
The Poohs Live in Santa Maria degli Angeli
To 28/11/2012
Assisi (PG) -
On November 28th at 9.15pm the legendary Italian rock band Pooh will be performing live at the Teatro Lyrick.Read more
To 2/12/2012
Terni (TR) -
From November 30th to December 2nd the Vininumbria wine fair,
showcasing the finest produce of wineries from all over Italy, will run
in Piazza Tacito.Read more
Fantasy Horror Awards in Orvieto
To 2/12/2012
Orvieto (TR) -
The third edition of the Fantasy Horror Awards will take place in
Orvieto from November 30th to December 2nd, bringing a host of Italian
and international celebrities in the fantasy and horror genre to
Orvieto, with a total of thirty screenings and meetings. This year
there will also be a special section devoted to shorts.Read more
Aurea Umbria Exhibition in Spello
To 9/12/2012
Spello (PG) -
From July 29th to December 9th the Palazzo Comunale will be running
the Aurea Umbria exhibition, featuring a remarkable assemblage of
archaeological finds documenting life in Umbria from the 3rd to the 6th
century AD. A time of considerable change in the Roman Empire that
culminated in a major financial, institutional and social reform
programme implemented under the reign of Constantine.Read more