
Professions behind the scenes Film Festival, March 1+2+3, 2012 Spello

Umbria is born 'Film Festival' professions 'behind the scenes'

Spello (PG) - Bring to front from behind the scenes such as professions, screenwriter, cinematographer, production designer, the engineer to direct, editor, musician, costume designer and makeup artist.
It is the intent of the "Festival of Cinema City' of Spello: Exhibition / Competition" The professions of cinema "(formerly 'online site http://www.festivalcinemaspello.com/), an initiative to debut in Spello which will run 'from first to 3rd March.
Born from the synergy between the travel manager Donatella Cocchini
and the film director Fabrizio Cattani, who are overseeing the development, seeks to promote and emphasize the key professionals to complete a film and which are often unknown to the majority of the public. Based on the review of some Italian films released in the previous film season, shows a well-known organization, a professional jury will award the celluloid 'the best technicians for every category. The event, hosted at the Subasio Theater and at Villa Fidelia, and 'sponsored by the Region of Umbria, Perugia Province and Municipality of Spello. pg


Funambolesco Festival, April 21st +22nd, 2012 Santa Maria degli Angeli, Assisi

At the foot of Assisi, it landed at Santa Maria degli Angeli in Umbria's first festival dedicated to street performance.
Two days to learn and discover this ancient art form, which looks at the Italian cultural scene since Roman times and reassert itself after a long period of stagnation, the Commedia dell'Arte or Comedy Italian style, in the sixteenth century .
A few historical notes to understand what the art of Busker (
artists on the street) is strongly connected to our socio-cultural heritage.
A large number of appointments that will color the village on Saturday 21 and Sunday, April 22. The focal point of the festival will be Piazza Garibaldi and then, for all the downtown streets of Santa Maria degli Angeli.
The festival features performances, repeated over the two days the company of professional artists from all over Italy.
You can attend performances mostly outdoors of jugglers, clowns, stilt walkers, artists, designers, bands and other touring puppet shows.
All events, aimed at an audience of any age will be accompanied by expressive workshops for children and young people who will provide training to build and animate puppets and approach to this ancient art form through instruments like small stilts and learn to express themselves and play with art in all its various forms.
An important area of the festival will be dedicated to the Exhibition of Ancient Game in which, under the eyes of passers-by real craftsmen will work to create different types of materials, as before, antique toys.
The festival ends on Sunday night in Piazza Garibaldi, with a suggestive Mangialonga in collaboration with local restaurants, where everyone can enjoy the typical local cuisine, followed by a big final concert.
translated from the text written on: www.euforisma.it


Promotion TripAd: May June 2012 Sun-Mon-Wed-Thu within Feb. 21st, 2012

2012 May - June: Special Promotion "TripAd."- expires on February 21st, 2012

The offer:

€ 75,00 per night per room, it includes:

1 night in a Classic Double bed Room for maximum two people, with continental buffet breakfast with table service for coffee, taxes, service, a car spot in our private area and one wi-fi internet connection per room (using your own pc).

This promotion is valid to stay in the following nights: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, in May and June 2012 (except the night of May 14th, 2012).
This promotion is bookable within February 21st, 2012 using the e-mail: info@hotelportanuova.it or using the form "Check Availability" in our web page: www.hotelportanuova.it

For the other nights we apply the same rates published in the main on line travel agencies
The Name of This Promotion is "TripAd" and it is not possible to add it to any other promotion

The Forest of St. Francis of Assisi

I beg you pardon for my terrible written English... sorry!

The visit to the Forest of St. Francis of Assisi is a splendid example of Italian rural landscape of 64 hectares and more than 800 years of history. It is a real inner journey to discover the message of harmony between human beings and creation that St. Francis taught the world just from these places. To become the protagonists of this new form of pilgrimage in the Third Millennium in the nature, history and the sacred, you are invited to walk the narrow path, starting from the Basilica of San Francesco and through the Forest of St. Francis, owned by the Papal Basilica - the Sacred Monastery of St. Francis of Assisi, through woodland and fields, clearings and groves. Once in the valley, you will discover evidence of a microcosm inhabited, between the thirteenth and fourteenth century by Benedictine nuns, which includes a church, a mill, the remains of a hospital and a monastery, and, later, an old tower-mill from which you can admire and enjoy the "Third Heaven", the extraordinary work of Land Art of the Master Michelangelo Pistoletto made especially for Saint Francis Wood.
Three paths, one message. Although the nature and the landscape are the soul of this corner of Umbria, to understand all the various facets of the message that originates from the forest is necessary that they be read and understood by comparing them with the story, the man's work and the activities of religious orders who have lived and worked here.
During the visit, therefore, we will propose three interpretations of this historical system - landscape, but three independent paths overlap each other: the "scenic route" that highlights the historical role of the Italian countryside, the "historic route" which tells the history of the place through its original buildings, the "spiritual journey" that encourages deep reflection on the historical relationship, present and future, between Man and Nature.